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【澳洲溫泉】摩寧頓半島 水療推介  舒壓放鬆之旅

【澳洲溫泉】摩寧頓半島 水療推介 舒壓放鬆之旅

Installation view of the Yiribana Gallery featuring (left) Ned Grant, Fred Grant, Patju Presley, Lawrence Pennington and Simon Hogan 'Wati Kutjara' 2019 and (right) Richard Bell, Emory Douglas 'We can be heroes' 2014, photo © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Jenni Carter

***These images may only be used in conjunction with editorial coverage of the exhibitions presented at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and strictly in accordance with the Terms of access to these images – see https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/info/access-to-agnsw-media-room-tcs/. Without limiting those Terms, images must not be cropped or overwritten; prior written approval in writing is required for use as a cover; caption details must accompany reproductions of the images; and archiving is not permitted.***
Media contact: sophie.tedmanson@ag.nsw.gov.au

悉尼 Art Gallery of New South Wales 今年12月開幕!

位於 澳洲悉尼 的 新州藝術博物館(Art Gallery of New South Wales)新館將於2022年12月3日正式揭幕,屆時,藝術博物館將舉辦一系列激動人心的免費藝術節目:包括曾獲葛萊美 最佳流行歌手 的國際巨星艾麗·高登(Ellie Goulding)領銜的演唱會、藝術講座、由藝術家設計的壯觀夜間無人... Read More...